Free sound fx

If you need sound effects, anything from nature sounds to weird fx, is offering free downloads of sounds uploaded by their users. You may be lucky and find exactly what you need here. Freesound write about themselves:

"Freesound aims to create a huge collaborative database of audio snippets, samples, recordings, bleeps, ... released under Creative Commons licenses that allow their reuse. Freesound provides new and interesting ways of accessing these samples, allowing users to:

- browse the sounds in new ways using keywords, a "sounds-like" type of browsing and more
- upload and download sounds to and from the database, under the same creative commons license
- interact with fellow sound-artists!

We also aim to create an open database of sounds that can also be used for scientific research. Many audio research institutions have trouble finding correctly licensed audio to test their algorithms. Many have voiced this problem, but so far there hasn't been a solution. is using the Creative Commons licensing. If you are in doubt how you are allowed to use the sounds you download, check out the FAQ for FAQ


Soundowl is a place for artists, musicians and blogs to share their music. The staff make it clear to their users that they are only to share music that they have created or have the rights to distribute. In the case of music blogs they are only to share music on Soundowl that has been provided to them by the record label or artist with the express intent making a free download available for promotional purposes. This means that if you find music you like and download it from Soundowl, that has been approved by the artist. You will not only find music from independent artists here, but also from big-name artists. Check it out here!

Noisetrade - download great music from established artists for free!

NoiseTrade is a very popular music service that helps new and established artists connect to music fans, and give music lovers a nice and 100% legal way to download their music. You may pay a small amount if you want, but you may instead choose to download the music for free without feeling any guilt at all. NoiseTrade is all about enjoying and sharing music!

Below is a typical album at Noisetrade, in this case a popular chillout collection by Homeless Balloon. Click it to check it out, or download this popular album for free - here!

Download free concert recordings from bt.etree

This site is provided by the community for sharing the live concert recordings of trade friendly artists. The owners of this site say: "Please tell your friends and family about new bands that catch your ear, and support these artists by going to see them live and buying their CDs!"

Go to the site and download legal free music here.